Роберт Стёкерс: Украина в Европе ассоциируется с немецкими оккупантами Второй мировой войны (англ.версия) - 28.04.2023 Украина.ру
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Роберт Стёкерс: Украина в Европе ассоциируется с немецкими оккупантами Второй мировой войны (англ.версия)

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Why does Brussels support Biden's pro-Ukrainian policy? Do Europeans know what Russia is fighting for in Ukraine? Who needs a peace treaty in the bitter conflict? Belgian politician and historian Robert Steuckers in an exclusive interview with Ukraina.ru assessed the impact of the special operation on geopolitics and the world.
— How have special operations changed the global balance of power?
Geopolitologists define Ukraine as a 'gateway region'. It is a gateway through which material and cultural goods should logically and peacefully pass between the great poles of civilisation. It is also an important part of the route from the Atlantic, Lisbon and Cadiz to the Volga and Caspian and beyond to Kazakhstan and China.
In ancient times, the Crimea was part of the Greek civilisation centred on the Aegean Sea; it was home to Italian trading posts that traded with the rest of Eurasia; Catherine II wanted to make it the receptacle of a new Hellenic-German-Slavic civilisation. For Russia, the Sea of Azov was the opening to the warm seas, the return to the Mediterranean horizons (Greek and Egyptian) and the access of the Russian hinterland of the Don and Volga basins to the Pontic region, which was open to the more ecumenical orbs of the South and West.
The area formed by Ukraine, Crimea, Kuban and the coastline from Novorossiysk to Sukhumi in Abkhazia could have become the hub of fruitful exchanges between all the neighbouring civilisational components: the Russian civilisation area, the Danube area (from Romania and Bulgaria), the Caucasian area, the Turkish-Anatolian world, the Kurdish settlement area, the Caspian riparian countries and the Caspian coastline of Iran.
The exchanges between these poles of great cultural wealth, on the edge of what Anglo-Saxon geopolitologists and strategists call the "Heartland", have been deliberately sabotaged by the Western pseudo-elites, to the detriment of the interests of all the peoples of Europe and Asia.
At a recent seminar in the Belgian Ardennes, I had the opportunity to point out that the objective of the thalassocracies of the Anglosphere is to allow no such convergence on the edge of the (Russian) Heartland. The 'rimlands', with their warm sea coastlines, cannot have close links with the Heartland, which harbours indispensable raw materials, just as the hinterland beyond ancient Taurida (Crimea) provided wheat and wood to Greek civilisation. This stubborn refusal to see synergies between "Heartland" and "Rimlands" established in the long term without imperialist intervention from an island periphery like imperial Britain in the 19th century or the "Island of the World" that is the bi-oceanic United States.
The thalassocracies established themselves, claiming, as early as the 17th century, the "freedom of the seas", i.e. the freedom to travel on the oceans and to keep maritime communications free of intervention. The response to this should not be a refusal or rejection of the freedom of the seas but an equivalent demand on land: the freedom of peoples, in a multipolar spirit, to organise as they wish the "freedom of the land", i.e. the freedom to organise land communications by all possible means: railways, canals, river navigation, etc.
© Фото : Новостное агентство "Харьков"Украина карта
Украина карта - РИА Новости, 1920, 06.04.2023
Украина карта
Indeed, the new hybrid war, which began as early as the Kiev Mayan in 2014 (with the precedent of 2004) and culminated in the special military operation of February 2022, is aimed at blocking land communications, slowing down their promotion, erecting walls and barriers in the most strategic places, especially in the "portal regions".
To mention only the peripheral regions of Russia, I will mention only the Arctic and the North-South Economic Transport Corridor (from India to Iran and from Iran via the Caspian to the Volga, the White Sea and the Arctic).
The Arctic, seen from Western Europe, and especially from Belgium and the Netherlands (the ports of Antwerp-Zeebrugge and Rotterdam), is part of an ecumene comprising the North Sea, the Baltic, the White Sea and the Arctic. It is generally perceived as a space that was once "Hanseatic". The sailors of our countries have always been keen to trade with Novgorod first, and then with Muscovy, from the Arctic ports.
The Ukraine serves as a pretext for the Deep State of the Anglosphere to completely control these regions: indeed, the membership applications of Sweden and Finland make the Baltic a northern Mediterranean under the total tutelage of Washington. There are no longer any neutral states bordering the Baltic. And apart from Germany, Poland, which is voluntarily subservient to the United States, is the most populous and now the most militarised coastal state on this inland sea of the European subcontinent.
The sabotage of the German-Russian gas pipelines Nord Stream 1 & 2 plunges the most industrialised state in central Europe into economic recession, with the corollary of Biden's proclamation of the IRA (Inflation Reduction Act), which allows large European (and especially German) companies to migrate to the United States, where energy prices are kept low. Volkswagen has already begun its migration to the US: with the chaotic management of immigration in Germany since 2015 under Merkel, with the social recession and the insignificant wages imposed by the Hartz IV system, the dynamic centre of Europe will implode. This has always been a war aim of the Anglosphere.
During the Second World War, the US shipped military equipment to the invaded Soviet Union via the North Atlantic sea route to Murmansk and Archangelsk. From there, this material was sent to the front through the channels from the White Sea to the Onega and Ladoga lakes and then inland to the Volga River. Then, other materials from British India were shipped via the Indian Ocean, the Trans-Ryan Railway, the Caspian and the Volga.
The Soviet victory at Stalingrad kept these two routes intact. Today, the Arctic/Indian Ocean transit remains a necessity for a peaceful world. The project to revive and consolidate it exists: the International North-South Transport Corridor (INSTC). Potential unrest in the Caucasus or attempts to destabilise Iran (through a variant of the colour revolutions) are part of the general sabotage of multipolar projects to ensure 'land freedom'.
The NATOisation of the Baltic and the sabotage of gas pipelines are part of the same project as the blocking of the Ukrainian "gateway region". The desire to advance NATO bases into the Donbass is intended to threaten the Don River mouth region, which is linked to the Volga by the Lenin Canal, and thus to the Caspian Sea and the INSTC route.
© AP / Sergei Grits
  - РИА Новости, 1920, 06.04.2023
In 2011, the Belgian authorities and those managing the port of Antwerp wanted to link the Flemish port city to China. The Swiss railway construction company HUPAC was involved in the project. High-level negotiations took place between the Belgians and the Chinese, with the involvement of German, Russian and Ukrainian authorities. In this Eurasian project, Ukraine was to play its full role as a 'gateway region'.
The advantage for us was that we could cut transport time in half compared to maritime communications and project ourselves towards two regions of the world: West Africa and Iberian America. Like Bruges in the days of the Hanseatic League, we would have been the hub between Eurasian trade (already practised by the Vikings, the city's founders) and trade with the Iberian peninsula and North Africa.
My position is to work to restore such projects, against the saboteurs who are necessarily traitors to our historical destiny inscribed in geography (read: http://euro-synergies.hautetfort.com/archive/2011/05/13/quand-les-belges-partent-a-la-conquete-de-la-chine.html ).
— Why does Brussels support Biden's policy in Ukraine if almost all of Europe has already siphoned off all the weapons to be sent to the Ukrainian Armed Forces (AFU)?
The Eurocracy based in Brussels and Strasbourg is totally subservient to Washington. Since the timid outline of a Paris-Berlin-Moscow Axis between Chirac, Schröder and Putin during the Anglo-American attack on Iraq in 2003, the American services have successfully tried to replace the traditional European elites and diplomats of the realist school with characters, usually amusing like Sarkozy, who have made US policy. Indeed, as soon as Chirac disappeared from the French political horizon, Sarkozy rushed to bring his country back into the NATO fold.
Today, Macron is a man from the ranks of the Young Global Leaders, attached to the McKinsey agency: he can only pursue a pro-American policy, in Ukraine as elsewhere, by getting rid of all the residues of Gallic diplomacy that still survived in Chirac's time.
In Germany, Schröder was put on the sidelines and his participation in the realisation of Nord Stream made him the victim of a cabal within his own socialist party. It is the Greens who are now spearheading the Americans in Germany. Joschka Fischer had already preached war against Yugoslavia when he was foreign minister. Annalena Baerbock, although a member of the Green Party and therefore theoretically 'left-wing', is shifting Germany's foreign policy towards that of the American neo-conservatives around Nuland, Kagan and Wolfowitz.
The American services have characters in all circles: avatars of the "new philosophers" with Bernard-Henri Lévy in France, former leftists with Daniel Cohn-Bendit in France and Germany, delusional neoliberals like Guy Verhofstadt (who signed a book with Cohn-Bendit), anti-Gaullian Macronists, social democrats a la Sanna Marin in Finland (the daughter is, like Macron, a Young Global Leader, whose skills are not very clear), the German Greens (in whom all neutralist and pacifist elements have been eliminated) or former neo-fascists like Giorgia Meloni (who reneged on her electoral promises and pursued a neo-conservative policy as soon as she came to power). New candidates for such aggiornamenti have been emerging on the horizon in both left and right-wing circles since the start of the Special Military Operation.
Реджис Трембли интервью - РИА Новости, 1920, 30.03.2023
Реджис Трембли: Я искал правду о России и Украине и нашел ее, когда приехал в Крым (англ. версия)
In my opinion, the weakening of the European armies is deliberate: for the American Deep State, no efficient modern army can survive outside the US Army; the haemorrhage of military equipment from the European NATO member states to Zelensky's Ukraine will simply mean that, in order to refill their arsenals, the NATO member states, especially those that are called upon to form the Intermarium dreamed of by the Poles, will have to buy American equipment. Already, a report has come out this morning: the Estonians have delivered their old equipment to the Ukrainians but have charged the full price for the purchase of new equipment to the Europe of Brussels! Corruption benefits from the situation!
The objective of weakening European arsenals is not new: the "sales of the century" in the 1970s, when the Americans delivered the famous F-16s to the Benelux and Scandinavian countries, was to the detriment of French (Bloch-Dassault) and Swedish (SAAB) aeronautics. The operation was repeated very recently with the F-35.
— According to our information, a large number of European countries are experiencing serious economic and financial difficulties because of pro-American policies. Is there an awareness in Europe that it is the fault of the US and not of Russia and Putin?
The economic difficulties are obvious from the moment sanctions hit the leading energy supplier to European countries, causing energy prices to skyrocket. The sabotage of the Baltic gas pipelines is obviously intended to perpetuate this situation. The Western-Atlantic forces are deliberately seeking to ruin Europe and contain Russia (while at the same time nibbling away at its territory on highly strategic fringes).
Let the Russians know that Europe, in its deep dynamics, in its ideology, sometimes traditional, sometimes socialist, is not the West, a mixture of Puritan religious deviances, Whig ideology (apparent rationalisation of these Protestant deviances) and Jacobin hysteria in the French style: it is the proponents of these religious and liberal delusions who have declared war on the powers that wish to see the advent of a multipolar world.
Today, these deviations have as their name and avatar the wokism of the American dems, the outrageous neo-liberalism of Macron, the neo-conservatism of Nuland and Kagan and the delusions of the German Greens (rejected by 85% of the Berlin population according to a very recent poll). This situation does not suit anyone in the Old World, Eurasian and Mediterranean. Everyday life, which had already been rotten by the containment measures in 2020, is suffering a worrying decline in quality: food prices are rising steadily, along with the price of energy and fuel for vehicles. Businesses are closing, unable to pay gas and electricity bills. Heating is cut in cafes and restaurants, where the poor come to seek warmth they can no longer afford. Western liberalism was meant to be a 'society of plenty', not scarcity. The exact opposite is happening in our countries today.
However, the propaganda, massive in the public and private media, camouflages this situation by hiding the reality and talking constantly about non-events, such as the interviews given by one of Macron's ministers to Playboy magazine, such as the generalisation of the use of scooters in big cities or the necessity to eat insects. The masses are bewildered and only a few clear-headed people realise that the situation will get worse as time goes by. Sanctions have and will have a disastrous effect.
— Who do you think is most interested in a peaceful resolution of the Ukrainian conflict? Russia, the United States, Ukraine, the European Union? Why?
The countries interested in a peaceful solution are obviously those who have an interest in land routes such as the Chinese Belt & Road project, the INSTC planned by India, Iran, Azerbaijan and Russia, the states that could benefit from an expansion of the Arctic sea route, all the European states that benefited from cheap Russian gas, etc.
It is obvious that the peoples of Ukraine, without exception, would have an interest in an end to this war and in their country finding its role as a "gateway region", a country of transit between Europe and deep Asia, between Scandinavia and the Mediterranean. The real Europe, rid of its Eurocratic personnel, would also benefit from a lasting peace in this part of the world. Africa (and Egypt) and Turkey would have their corn and wheat supplies guaranteed in the long term.
Скотт Риттер интервью - РИА Новости, 1920, 24.03.2023
Скотт Риттер о том, что было и что будет: Зеленский— неудачник, читает речи, написанные разведчиками США
— Do the British know why Russia is fighting in Ukraine? Do they understand that the war has been going on since 2014, that Ukraine's failure to comply with the Minsk agreements and the support of key Western countries for Ukraine to comply with them has led to this conflict?
The strategy of containment of Russia is an old British strategy, conceived as early as the conquest of Crimea by the armies of Catherine II. It took shape during the Crimean War of 1853 to 1856. Crimea in Russian hands was a casus belli for 19th century British imperialism. Today it is a casus belli for the American deep state, which has taken all these thalassocratic strategies on board and included them in neo-conservative warmongering visions.
The Crimean War was lost for the Russians because the delivery of troops by land was too slow and complicated: sending troops by sea was faster. The construction of the Trans-Siberian Railway made logistical operations easier: immediately after the opening of the Trans-Eurasian Railway, the geographer MacKinder formulated his theory of the Heartland, which was inaccessible to naval blockades and had to be kept as far away as possible from the Atlantic, Indian and Pacific coasts.
A few years later, Homer Lea, an American geopolitologist and strategist, and a supporter of the definitive alliance between the British Empire and the United States, drew up plans for "containment" in his book The Day of the Saxons, stipulating in particular that the zone of Russian influence could not extend beyond the Tehran/Kabul line; for Lea, Sun Ya Tsen's republican China was to be part of the Rimland controlled by the 'Saxons' and Germany was to be kept away from the North Sea coasts (paradoxically pushing it into an alliance with Russia on the eve of the First World War! ).
It is still the theories of MacKinder and Lea that animate NATO's strategies, in their modernised versions by Spykman in particular. These apply to Russia whatever the political regime that governs it. In this sense, one can speak of a continuity of Russian history.
As to whether or not ordinary Britons, the man in the street in the English cities and countryside, realise what is at stake in the current war in Ukraine, I can't answer that: I haven't been to London since 2008 (and I was only there for one day!). However, it is necessary to underline the crisis that Great Britain is going through today, with the risk of secession of Scotland, with the almost null effects of Brexit, with a society gangrenous with wokism and cancel culture (which attacks the best productions of English culture and literature), with a social fabric destroyed by Thatcherism and its subsequent avatars, etc. There is certainly no longer an English model to export.
I would remind you, however, that Merkel herself has publicly admitted that no one among the Western leaders and among Westernised Europeans had any intention of respecting the Minsk agreements, even though they provided for the federalisation of Ukraine and its neutral status, comparable to that of Finland after the Second World War. The modalities foreseen in the Minsk agreements would have preserved Ukraine's status as a "gateway region" to the benefit of all, would have allowed the Sea of Azov/Don/Volga hydrographic complex to function in all directions, once again to the benefit of all. It is this smooth operation that the conventional thalassocratic strategists, the Deep State and the warmongering neo-conservatives do not want.
Merkel and Hollande played the role of powerless extras in a scenario that was dictated by these negative forces. Any potential re-emergence of the informal Paris-Berlin-Moscow Axis has been reduced to nothing, an Axis where the leaders of France and Germany would have had a say in European affairs and could have acted in the real interests of their peoples.
Путин Меркель Макрон коллаж
Путин Меркель Макрон коллаж
Путин Меркель Макрон коллаж
It is no longer possible to reason in the terms dictated by the deleterious context of the Second World War, where today's Russia is portrayed as an aggressive USSR ready to pounce on Europe and a Europe condemned to defend itself. The Second World War proved the geostrategic unity of the whole area between the Portuguese Algarve and the Magnitogorsk quadrilateral south of the Urals. It also proved the necessity of the strategic artery between the Arctic and Iran.
All the positive forces in Europe and Russia must unite to make the communications corridors (Rhine-Alps, Rhine-Danube, Baltic-Adriatic, Arctic-Caspian, etc.) work, which the current war is irreparably blocking and which any reactivation of the conflicts in the South Caucasus would block even more. These positive forces need to converge their achievements with China's so-called Belt & Road Initiative projects.
— A significant part of the Ukrainian armed forces (AFU) openly adheres to Nazi ideas. This is evident both in their attributes and in their distorted interpretation of the history and results of the Second World War. Why does Europe support the Nazi regime, contrary to its own laws?
Allusions to Nazism in Ukraine leave clear-sighted observers in Western Europe dumbfounded. Old-timers who lived through the period when National Socialism ruled Germany and the countries occupied by Hitler's armies do not remember such a sinister folklore with tattooed male torsos and "music" made of dreadful crashes.
The Ukrainian Nazis are reminiscent of the Maras in El Salvador, Central America, who were also manipulated by forces outside the country. This "Nazism" in Kiev is comparable to all those forms of "counter-culture" that have emerged in Anglo-Saxon countries since the 1950s. In the 1980s and also in the early 1990s, there was an unhealthy counter-culture in Western Europe, the so-called "skinhead" counter-culture, which undermined the national movements in all the countries where it appeared. The secret services used it to frighten the normal citizen, to induce him not to vote for new parties (left or right).
Today, this "counter-culture" is no longer necessary: the services can manipulate elections more skilfully, by tampering with electronic voting or by putting forward politicians who promise change but align themselves with the system once elected (Sarkozy, Meloni). This "counter-culture" of verbal violence, aggressive signs such as tattoos of runes or swastikas (or others among the Salvadoran Maras), cacophonous music, is tolerated in Ukraine because it has allowed the recruitment of soldiers in the fight against the Russian speakers of Donbass. It would not be tolerated in Western Europe because it is associated, rightly or wrongly, with the German occupiers of the Second World War.
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