Реджис Трембли: В Крыму опасаются не Зеленского с ВСУ, а завербованных СБУ диверсантов (англ. версия)

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Even if Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU) managed to get through that very narrow piece of land connecting Crimea with Ukraine. They would not be able to go very much further because of the Russian defense lines. It is just a dream, a fantasy and something that president Zelensky is saying to try to keep the Ukrainian people behind him, his public relations is all it is.
Regis Tremblаy, an American documentary filmmaker who seeks the truth about Russia, told Ukraine.ru in an interview about it.
— Regis, how do Crimean population feel about the Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU) counterattack and daily drone attacks?
— I have to say, for the most part Crimean peopleare very calm about what's about what is happening not only in Ukraine, but even the attacks that apparently Ukrainian drones have successfully made on an oil storage tank here in Crimea. Several attempts at military strikes, but most of their attempts with drones have been shot down. They haven't been successful.
Now the big story here that really has people upset is what is going on between Sergei Prigozhin and Shoigu. My friends and their Russian friends here are very concerned about this. Just over the weekend, that was the conversation, the topic of conversation with several people.You know, it's all overthe news in the West, in the United States and people are asking, you know, what is going on.
And nobody has an answer. It doesn't look good, is what people are saying to me. So that's kind of the mood here.
People are going about their lives as normal, as if there's no war next door. They have not changed their habits. People are out on the promenade here, the seaside. They're in the parks, they're in the outdoor markets. In fact, a friend of ours from Moscow, retired military man, said he was really surprised that everything was so calm. There was no evidence at all of the war going on next door and even that attacks have been conducted against Crimea. So that's the mood.
Реджис Трембли: Я искал правду о России и Украине и нашел ее, когда приехал в Крым (англ. версия)
— Are there pro-Ukrainian views people in the population or do all Crimeans support Russia?
— I don't know that for a fact, but what I do know is what several people have told me that there are. People here who did not support the move to return to Russia, they are pro-Ukrainian and I read one report that there are pro-Ukrainian people here, who have been recruited by the Security Service of Ukraine to conduct these attacks.Which did not come from Ukraine but came from within Crimea.
And it seems to be the same thing that is happening in mainland Russia. For example, the attack on the Kremlin, that came from somewhere inside of Moscow,who are pro-Ukrainian. That is a fact.
— Do you think the question of Crimea belonging to Russia can be closed for good? What it takes to make it? Or will Ukraine continue to fight for Crimeain spite of everything?
— I think it is more a fantasy of Ukraine or President Zelensky to think that they can ever take back Crimea. It's impossible. Russia will never let that happen. And second of all, I do not think that Ukraine has the ability to attack Crimea.
Two weeks ago I was at the border with Ukraine and we visited а refugee camp there, and what we saw were two very important things: first, the land of is very narrow. Тhis is a peninsula, and there is no way that any number of large troops could pass through there without being annihilated because Russia has thousands of troops in this area. We saw evidenceof this everywhere and there's heavy artillery there. We saw heavy artillery cannons, we saw many troops in the area. And the other thing that I will tellyou is that this area is heavily fortified.
As we drove towardsthe border along the highway, we saw several antitank barriers.They were huge concrete triangular stones reaching from horizon to the other. And there were severalof these and there were trenches. And so even if Ukraine managed to get through that very narrow piece of land connecting Crimea with Ukraine. They would not be able to go very much further because of the Russian defense lines. So I think it is just a dream, a fantasy and something that President Zelensky is saying to try to keep the Ukrainian people behind him. His public relations is all it is.
Роберт Стёкерс: Украина в Европе ассоциируется с немецкими оккупантами Второй мировой войны (англ.версия)
— The Crimea is a beautiful historical place. Do you plan to make any film or video about it?
— I've made many already. I have been living in Yalta now since March of 2020. So that's three years. And I have made many films about Crimea, Crimean antiquity going all the way back to the Greeks in the 7th century В.С. I have visited museums and made videos. I visited many parts of Crimea and I've made many video strying to show ordinary life here in Crimea. And I do this to tryto show American people.
What the truth is, as I see it, and I find that my videos are is pretty hard to argue with a video and call it propaganda, when you can see exactly what's going on. So yes, this is my focus is to continue making films and videos not only about Crimea but about Russia to try to open the eyes of Americans.
— On May 13th the Black Sea Fleet celebrated its 240th anniversary. Maybe you are planning to make a film or an video release on this subject?
— As of right now, I'm not sure, I'm very much aware of it. But I'm having to travel in the next few days and so I may not even be in Sеvastopol, where, I'm sure, there will be a big celebration.
— In your recent episode of your show, you discussed whether Tucker Carlsonis the "Controlled Opposition" (https://rumble.com/v2i8awi-is-tucker-carlson-the-controlled-opposition.html)? What do you have to say about Elon Musk?
— I think Elon Musk is a pretty smart guy. You know, many people don't like him. Many people don't like people, that have that much money. But not everything he says is crazy. I think he really is serious about space exploration. For example, he spent the fortune on being able to send satellites into space. Some people will argue that this is not good, that there's already too much space junk, 10s of thousands of satellites already there.
His electric car, you know, people are saying this is really not green energy, because it takes an awful lot of oil and fossil fuels to recharge the batteries. But the main thing that people are talking about is Elon Musk buying Twitter. And that has beenso far, in my opinion,a very good thing that there is now no longer government censorship and government pressure on. Different sites to stop talking about certain things, because previously Twitter was deleting people who said things that were contrary to the official narrative. So I think that has been very good.
Джефф Дж. Браун: Франция ничего не может сделать, чтобы помочь миру на Украине (англ. версия)