Анкит Шах: Украина скоро закончится, и в будущем Западу не удастся зажечь Тайвань и Индию с Пакистаном
Анкит Шах - РИА Новости, 1920, 07.01.2025

(english version — английская версия интервью)

The conflict will end within some months of Trump administration coming to office. All the artificial hotspots created by the western collective for clashes between neighbors like Ukraine, Pojk, Taiwan, will be reversed through this decade.
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This was told in an interview with Ukraina.ru by Dr. Ankit Shah.
— Dr. Shah, how Indians views the Russian-Ukrainian conflict? Do Indians know who is really to blame for the Ukrainian crisis (that it was the US that provoked the war)?
— It began much early with the maidan incident & foreign interference in Ukraine. Being erstwhile areas of the Soviet Union, it is only practical that the smaller brothers cooperate with Russia & run their policies accordingly. But the voices demanding NATO membership & propping up of anti-Russia elements in Ukraine bringing the West to the borders of Russia with military supplies was a clear indicator.
In my book on Geo-politics, I call this clashing of neighbours as a Two bucket theory to maintain the dollar hegemony. As per my concept, one neighbour gets sanctioned, the other one gets arms & dollars. This clash keeps the unipolar world order going across regions.
I have been at the forefront of predicting the exact year, week and month for the Ukraine conflict among many others like the Balakot strikes by Bhaarat, LAC standoff between India & China, security risk for Bashar al Assad, regime change in Syria, Israel-Iran conflicts and so on. Here are the screenshot of Ukraine predictions.
Скриншот прогноза Анкит Шаха по Украине - РИА Новости, 1920, 07.01.2025
— What is your personal position on the Russian-Ukrainian conflict? When do you think the conflict will end?
— I am very clear that the era of Dedollarisation of the World clearly means that regionalism is the anti-dote to the unipolar hegemons.
This is also the period which marks the beginning of multipolarity with countries of Global South going back to dig up their ancestral wisdoms in all domains, outright rejecting the western standardisation which was imposed on all colonies. The 400-year cycle of single country reserve currency world which started with pound will end with the dollar.
The conflict will end within some months of Trump administration coming to office. All the artificial hotspots created by the western collective for clashes between neighbors like Ukraine, Pojk, Taiwan, will be reversed through this decade.
— Does India have a conflict with China?
— Yes, the British left us with disputed territories and non-agreed borders as a legacy problem. The border at the LAC is not clear in many ways. We consider Tibet as an illegally occupied territory.
However, the leaders of both the nations can solve it without escalating this into a military conflict. The Chinese and Russians are aging.
We believe it is for the Indians to see to it that the aged Chinese and Russian population is taken care of in terms of health, inheritance and cultural ties. There is no other Dharmic and civil young population around which can gel with the requirements of China & Russia. There is a possibility of Russia-India-China energy pipeline in the future.
The Chinese need to learn the fact that a vast majority of citizens won’t be able to walk across two rooms by 2037 due to aging caused in the blind pursuit of earning dollars with the hyper-exports model. Technology, Finance and manufacturing-sharing is the way forward for Asia in the upcoming era of De-globalisation possibilities under the Trump regime.
Asian cooperation is the future of the world.
— Russia has friendly relations with China. How does this fact affect Russian-Indian relations?
— India runs its foreign policy on the principles of Sanatan Dharm. This means complete autonomy based on “what’s more right for the entire planet as a family” given the situation and factors playing out. We reject the concept of making exclusive mob beliefs based Geo-political grouping rooted from religions of foreign origin.
We cannot operate our foreign policy on the premise of conflicting groups – one group pitted against another based on religious thinking of separation of treatment between believers and non-believers. Our Dharm (Hinduism) does not approve of this kind of Geo-politics.
Russia remains as one of our strongest friends and we appreciate the efforts it puts with China for the closure of unipolar world order. The cooperation achieved among the big Asian powers in the BRICS Summit in Kazan was one such initiative towards establishing multipolarity. We thank the Russians for providing the stage for concrete bilateral among all the participating member nations.
— What are India's plans within BRICS?
— We look forward to working with nations of the Global South with further expansion of BRICS towards Decolonisation.
This can throw open the doors for redefining the world order in a way which appreciates voices of the smallest nations. All the indexes, ranking, reporting and benchmarks of all the domains can be revisited based on each member nation’s unique culture and ancestral contributions in all domains from medicine, education, culture, food, clothing, films, festivals, trade, tourism, logistics, languages, media, defence and so on.
Dr Ankit Shah is a Fellow Chartered Accountant, a Qualified Company Secretary, an author, and a keen observer of foreign policy and security for the Bhartiya Upmahadwip. As the concept man of the Sanatan Economics Model, his primary interest lies in geo-economics, multipolarity, and geo-political projections for the world.
His predictions include timing of many major global events like Doklam, 370-35 A removal, LAC standoff, Balakot, Ukraine, Israel conflicts, the de-dollarization process, and so on.
He argues in his Media talks that Dedollarization = Deradicalization + Decommunism + Demissionarization + Decolonization for the World. He has served IIM-Ahmedabad as an academic and research associate and is a PhD from Gujarat National Law University.